LGBT communities and struggles in the dependent world

Peter Drucker

Global Justice School 2003


Discussing sexuality as Marxists and feminists

The discussion in the FI

Goals of report

Limits of report

I. The diversity of same-sex sexualities


Desire, behaviour and identity

Different social constructions of same-sex sexuality

Transgender: African and African-derived forms

Transgenerational: the Islamic world

Transgenerational/transgender: Moroccan example

“Lesbian/gay”: welfare state, identity, community, and ghetto

Transgender and gay in the dependent world: the role of class



II. Capitalist development, globalization and same-sex sexualities


Family, reproduction, gender roles and the heterosexual norm (points 1-2 of the FI resolution)

Colonial repression

Neoliberalism: social and sexual polarization

The impact of economic crises (1982, 1997)


III. Sexual politics: the Marxist tradition


Bolshevism, Stalinism and Maoism

PRT (Mexico), ANC (South Africa)


IV. Issues in organizing


Against repression and fundamentalism (points 10 and 15 of the FI resolution)

Sex trade and sex tourism: self-organization (points 3 and 4)

An inclusive movement: transgenders, bisexuals, “MSMs”, injongas (points 18 and 19)

LGBT migrants: globalizing resistance (point 14)

The AIDS crisis, homosexual and heterosexual: multinationals and governments (point 16)

Against neoliberalism: beginnings in Porto Alegre and Florence (point 7)

Banning discrimination: the South African example (point 11)


V. Our (potential) lesbian/gay comrades (point 27)