Global Justice
School / École altermondialiste 2003
(Globalization and political
recomposition, III:
European integration and the
anti-capitalist left)
G. Buster
1/ A little history of how and
why the EC was established after the II World War: its class nature.
2/ The EC answer to the 1989
change in the world situation: the Maastricht Treaty (EU), Enlargement and the
3/ The "European social
model" and its social and political effects.
4/ The extension of the
neoliberal policies to Central and Eastern Europe. How it's being done and
effects. Center and periphery in the EU
5/ The demographies of the EU
and emigration policies. Fortress-Europe
6/ The EU as a world power.
Diplomacy and Defense. Contradictions with the USA. The Balkans and the Iraq
7/ Governance, institutions
and the European Constitution.
8/ Building an alternative:
the Anticapitalist European Conference.
9/ Building an alternative:
from resistance to an alternative Constitution for Europe.