Globalization and Social Recomposition II:  On Gender 

Global Justice School 2005

May 30, 2005



Report Outline:


I.  Introduction

Aim: To present the political significance of tracing the history of women's movement and development of feminism that will serve as the bases of understanding the current situation of gender and the women's struggles in the globalization era.


A.  Historical Account of the Women's Movement

            - the timeline chart presentation of the significant periods of the women's movement

            -  the impacts of the waves of feminism to the women's movement


B.  Mapping out the Gender Situation in some Parts of the World

            1)  Latin America

            2) Middle East and North Africa

            3)  South Asia

            4)  Southeast Asia


C.  Globalization and the Working Class Women Situation


II.  Theoretical Analysis of the Marxist Mode of Production

Aim:  To present Marxist Analysis on Women's Oppression in terms of the "double day" of work in the light of globalization and identify theoretical gaps on the practical side of the women's oppression today.

-  basic Marxist theory on the mode of production

-  expanded mode of production concept integrating the third aspect of production which is the reproduction of labor

-  defining women's work in the domestic sphere and in the wage labor

-  patriarchy and capitalism


III.  Women and Peace Movement:  the tri-people women experiences in Mindanao, Philippines


Aim: to integrate the experiences of the grassroots women in the peace movement to the current feminist discourse

- the political, economic and social situation in Mindanao

- the tri-people approach in the revolutionary movement in Mindanao

-  the tri-people women's peace movement


IV.  Conclusions and Discussion Points