1. Marx and Engels on capitalism, socialism and
Capitalism and the destruction of land fertility
Is socialism only dealing with capitalist
relations of production?
Are the productive forces neutral?
Hypothesis: to apply to the capitalist
productive forces what Marx and Engels wrote on the bourgeois state: the state
machine cannot be just appropriated by the proletariat and put to work for it.
A radical transformation must take place.
2. Capitalism and the present ecological crisis
Agro-business and the destruction of the
The danger of GMOs (genetically modified
organisms): a threat to human health, to bio-diversity and to the autonomy of
the peasantry
3. Ecological struggles in the South
The example of Chico Mendes in Brazil: the
Alliance of the Peoples of the Amazonian Forest - peasants, rubber-collectors
and indigenous communities - against the capitalist land-owners
The socialist ecology of Chico Mendes
4. The global upsurge of peasant movements
Via Campesina as a new form of alliance between
peasant movements from the North and the South, around common struggles
Peasant and indigenous movements in Latin
The example of the MST, the largest social
movement in Brazil and the social vanguard of the anti-neoliberal struggle
5. The convergence of ecological and peasant
movements around common issues:
Organic agriculture against agro-capitalism
6. The role of peasant and ecological movements
in the Global Justice Movement and the World Social Forum
Via Campesina organized a debate on socialism at
the WSF in 2002.
Socialism as the alternative for peasant and
ecological movements
A new definition of socialism, taking into
account the experiences of peasant and indigenous struggles and the ecological