Introduction to the School's Library
Welcome to the School's library, a collection of over 25,000 books, pamphlets, periodicals and documents. This is a brief introduction to the library, its contents and organization. We hope you will use the library to the fullest and invite you to ask for help whenever you feel the need.
The library is in three sections:
· Library 1 on the first floor,
· Library 2 on the second, and the
· Reading Room Library on the ground floor.
Library 1 is usually open only during office hours; Library 2 and the Reading Room Library are always open. Library 1 is open additional hours when staff are working there. The library office and work areas, as well as part of the School's office, are located in Library 1. You are most welcome to use Library 1 whenever it is open. Use of the library will not disturb any staff members working there.
The library collection is divided as follows:
Library 1:
· Most items in the computer catalog (on shelves A through J).
· French.
· Dictionaries.
Library 2:
· English.Castilian (Spanish).Portuguese, Italian and other languages.
· Periodicals.
· A case with recreational reading (English, French and Castilian) is located in the hall outside Library 2.
· Books and periodicals in German, Dutch, Swedish and Danish are located in the room to the right of the entrance to Library 2.
Reading Room Library:
· Second and third copies, arranged by language (English, Castilian, French and German only) and author/editor.
· Current periodicals.
Each library contains a borrowers’ notebook for recording books you take out from that library. Please be sure to register any books you borrow. All books (from whichever library) should be returned to the table next to the card catalog in Library 1. Your comradely cooperation helps keep the library useful for all.
Much of the library collection (but only materials in the three official languages: English, French and Castilian) has been entered into the computerized catalog. Terminals for accessing this catalog are located in the Email Room (the black PC laptop)--for use of students and lecturers--and Library 1 (usually needed by staff). Searches can be made by author, editor, title and/or subject matter.
Most items in the computer catalogue are located in Library 1 on the shelves identified by letter (A, B, etc.). They are arranged entirely by call number (book label, e.g., 1F5/03), with the three official languages intermixed.
Four special sections are being developed in Library 1:
· Women/Sexuality/Family (located on shelves D3 through F6; all the library’s women-related books, pamphlets and photocopies are now on these shelves);
· Third World (starting on shelf F7, currently including materials on the Third World in general; Africa; the Middle East; South, Southeast and East Asia; and Latin America in general);
· Economics (A and B shelves);
· Ecology/Peace (C shelves).
Other items in the computer catalog are located in the three separate language sections. For such items the call number gives the library floor (i.e., 1 or 2) followed by the first three letters under which the item will be found (e.g. 1/LUX, for items in French by or about Rosa Luxemburg). Staff offer training in using the computerized catalog early in each session or on request. It really is easy and simple to use.
Some of the library collection (including a few of the computerized items) is cataloged on cards filed by language in Library 1. The cards are then arranged by author and occasionally by title or subject. Internationals (I-IV), School and political parties’ cards are filed separately (political parties by country) at the end of each language file; the documents themselves are located on the last shelves of each official language collection (French in Library 1, English and Castilian in Library 2) following all the other books. The call number on the corner of the card indicates whether or not the item is also in the computer and on the lettered shelves in Library 1 (e.g., 1F3/65). All other items are located in the appropriate language section of the library, arranged in the order of the three capital letters (e.g., TRO) by which the cards are also filed. A thorough search requires using both the computer and the card catalog. Please ask staff if you have any problems locating a library item.
Only items in English, French and Castilian (Spanish) are cataloged in the computer. Items in other languages can only be found in the card catalog. Please ask for any assistance you need.