accelerating neoliberal and right-wing offensive in Europe is a threat to our
lives as LGBT people. But resistance movements against neoliberal globalization
hardly take us into account, and our organizations are rarely present in
broader coalitions against neoliberalism and the right. This situation has to
change, and fast!
Many national
LGBT associations work together through ILGA-Europe to influence legislation
and regulations. LGBTs from across Europe march together each year at
Europride. But we need to do more! We need to broaden our movement's range of
action on many social issues and make sure that LGBT voices are heard in
broader debates.
We invite all
LGBT associations in Europe to come to Florence during the days when the
European Social Forum is meeting, to discuss together and lay the basis for
more intensive, lasting cooperation.
Our starting
point is the experience and thinking on participatory democracy that took place
at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, which provides us with an
unprecedented insight. The movement can propose to use instruments of direct
participation in every area of society where LGBT people are to be found. Too
often in fact decisions of vital concern to us are still made without taking
our experience and opinions into account, by cabinets, parties and parliaments
in which our associations are unrepresented. For example, cuts in social
services and privatisations are a special threat to LGBT people, inasmuch as
they shift basic social responsibilities onto families (while our families of
origin often do not support us, and we do not have the right to form new ones).
As a result the LGBT community, and lesbians in particular, contrary to what is
generally maintained, often live in conditions of greater hardship and
insecurity than heterosexuals.
This same
sphere includes the defense of public health and the demand for the right to
healthcare for all, namely the decisive struggle for access to HIV/AIDS
treatments in which movements in countries around the world are joining
The gains won
by working people during a century of struggle continue to be denied to LGBT
people. Cases of sacking without just cause and of harassment at work on
grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity are sadly common throughout
Europe. This is yet another reason why we must fight to eliminate casualized
employment and increase rights for all workers.
international lesbian/gay trade union conferences four years ago in Amsterdam
and this year in Sydney are big steps forward in internationalizing LGBT trade
union struggles. Yet still too little has been done to coordinate work on a
European level. The European Trade Union Confederation has endorsed the ESF in
Florence; we invite all LGBT trade unionists to be there to call on it for
support and to build European networks. We note in this connection that trade
union activity has many benefits, not only in securing rights and stimulating
alliances among oppressed groups while respecting each group's right to
self-determination, but also in encouraging greater visibility on the part of
LGBT workers, which serves both to enhance our personal dignity and to
challenge the heterosexist taboo that is still widespread and deeply rooted in
For all these
reasons we insist on the importance of an international battle for
anti-discriminatory legislation, which still does not exist in most of the world's
We propose, in
alliance with the women's movement, to develop a critique of the monolithic
model of the hetero-patriarchal family. This family is portrayed as a
protective nest for all young people, to whom the prospect of economic independence
is denied (through casualized work, unemployment and denial of minimal social
benefits). Yet too often it is a site of violence and silencing for young
people who do not conform to the dominant model. Rejection of transgender
people is especially virulent: they experience discrimination not only in
families and society, but also too often even in lesbian/gay milieux. Same-sex
partnership rights are being won in a number of European countries. But in no
country are we treated fully equally. Particularly when it comes to parenthood;
nowhere are female co-mothers guaranteed the same rights as heterosexual
married couples, and for men the situation is even more unequal. Access to
artificial insemination is under attack in one country after another. We need
to fight together against these forms of discrimination!
immigrants are increasingly organising in their own name. Not only do they have
to contend with the rise of a right-wing "pro-family" agenda that
excludes and marginalizes them; if they are of Muslim origin they are also
faced with the demonisation of Islam now being used to justify the "war on
terrorism". The instrumentalisation of gay rights, used even by the right
as a weapon against Muslim immigrants, is particularly insidious. So it is crucial
to build an alliance between LGBT immigrant groups and groups working in
"Third World" countries, in particular to support the cause of those
living in countries where homosexuality is a crime. It is urgently necessary to
extend the right of asylum to people persecuted on the basis of their sexual
orientation or gender identity.
Other key
points are the defense of public, secular education accessible to all, which
teaches about diversity and supports the development of free expression,
including sexual expression, of the younger generation. This requires support
and encouragement from LGBT working groups in the schools and universities,
which can ensure the quality of the pedagogical programmes and guard against
any cases of open or hidden discrimination. Crucial as well is the fight for a
secular society, against religious fundamentalisms and to resist attacks by the
churches (beginning with the Catholic Church) on the rights and lives of those
who do not accept their morality.
We are for
self-organisation of LGBT inside democratic parties and in all associations
fighting against neoliberalism, so that the LGBT movement's demands become
slogans of the movement as a whole.
LGBTs should
make our voices heard!
Endorsed by :
Sapienza - Gruppo LGBT dell'Università di Roma (Italy)
Movimento Identità Transessuale (Italy)
Gruppo di
Lavoro (Italy)
GLO Milano -
Gruppo di Liberazione Omosessuale (Italy)
Movimento Omosessuale Sardo (Italy)
Ireos (Florence - Italy)
Arcilesbica Pianeta Urano (Verona - Italy)
Centro Studi
gaylesbicotransqueer (Italy)
Open Mind -
Centro di Iniziativa GLBT (Catania -Italy)
Tralaltro - Arcigay Padova (Italy)
Veneto - Coordinamento GLBT Comunisti Italyni (Italy)
Pasolini -
Coordinamento G.L.B.T.T. dei Comunisti Italyni (Italy)
Circolo di
Cultura gay e Lesbica Arcigay Dedalo (Venice - Italy)
Opus Gay
Grupo de
Trabalho Homossexual do PSR (Portugal)
Portugal Gay (Portugal)
Grupo Oeste
Gay (Portugal)
Movimento Pela Liberdade Sexual (Portugal)
Não Te Prives
- Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais (Portugal)
Clube Safo
Colectivo de lesbianas y gays de Toledo (Spain)
Coisa do
Género - Gruppo LGBT dell'Università di Lisbona (Portugal)
Gruppo Lesbico (Croatia)
COGAM (Spain)
Federacion Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays e Transexuales (Spain)