Global Justice School 2005

28 May – 18 June 2005 in English and Castilian

I. Globalization: the world transformed

1.      Introduction to session (Peter and Eva)

1.1.           IIRE Global Justice School: general introduction

2.      The political economy of globalization: towards a new mode of accumulation? (Braulio)

2.0.  Outline

2.1.  Claudio Katz, Imperialism in the 21st century:

2.2.  FI 14th World Congress text: Confronting Capitalist Globalization

2.3.  'Marxist economy: Handbook of basic definitions'

Suggested additional readings

2.4.  Alex Callinicos, 'The general strategy of American imperialism', International Socialism (Dec. 2002)

2.5.  Michel Husson, 'World capitalism in a phase of permanent instability' (IVP, 2005)

2.6.  Ellen Meiksins Wood, 'Capitalist empire and nation-state: a new American imperialism?', Against the Current, Vol. XVIII, No. 6

2.7.  Standard Schaefer, interview with Michael Hudson, CounterPunch

3.      Globalization and social recomposition, I: what’s become of the working class? (Claude)

3.0.  Outline

3.1.  Karl Marx to Otechestvenniye Zapiski,Nov. 1877

3.2.  Excerpts from Eric Wolf, Europe and the People without History (1982)

3.3.  Excerpt from FI 7th World Congress, Dynamics of World Revolution Today (1963)

3.4.  Peter Blumer, 'South Africa: New phase begins', IVP no. 253 (Feb. 1994)

3.5.  Excerpts from UNCTAD, World Investment Report 1994: Transnational Corporations, Employment and the Workplace

3.6.  Charles Tilly, 'Globalization threatens labor's rights', International Labor and Working-Class History no. 47 (1995)

4.      Evening: The Netherlands (Joost)

5.      Globalization and social recomposition, II: gender (Eva)

5.0.  Outline

5.1.  World March of Women, '2000 good reasons to change course!'  (2000)

5.2.  Frédérique Vinteuil, 'Marxism and feminism' (translated from Critique Communiste, 1983)

5.3.  Feminist Assembly of Madrid, 'Women and the European Constitution' (Jan. 2005)

5.4.  Excerpts from Wally Seccombe, Weathering the Storm: Working-Class Families from the Industrial Revolution to the Fertility Decline (Verso 1993)

5.5.  Susan Caldwell, 'Women lead the way' (IVP327, Jan. 2001)

5.6.  M. Barbosa, H. Dashner, P. Duggan, C. McAllister, and E. Nikell, 'Introduction:  Women and economic integration', in P. Duggan and H. Dashner eds. Women's Lives in the New Globalization Economy (IIRE NSR no.22)

     Reference texts

5.7.  13th FI World Congress, Resolution on women in Western Europe and North America, 'Changing forms of the struggle for women's liberation' (1991)

5.8.  13th FI World Congress, Resolution on women in Latin America:  'Dynamics and convergence of mass movements and feminist currents' (1991)

5.9.  Stéphanie Treillet, 'Women's oppression in globalization'

6.      Globalization and social recomposition, III: migration and ethnicity (Jean)

6.0.  Outline

6.1.  Excerpt from FI 15th World Congress, 'Resistances to capitalist globalization' (2003)

6.2.  David Barsamian, 'Immigration and racism' 

6.3.  Thierry Parisot, 'Invisible but real

6.4.  Bridget Anderson, 'Turning survival into resistance'


II. Strategic challenges


7.      Globalization and political recomposition, I: what role for the state: the question of Africa (Jean)

7.0.  Outline

7.1.  Excerpt from Leon Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution

7.2.  Chris Fagen, 'What's behind the killing in Central Africa?'

7.3.  Mandisi Majavu, 'Congo, a story of "unimportant people"'

7.4.  Ritt Goldstein, 'Africa, oil & US military'

7.5.  Jon Jeter, 'For South Africa's poor, a new power struggle'

7.6.  Zeynep Toufe, 'Invisible children: AIDS, Africa and selective vision'

7.7.  Excerpt from FI 15th World Congress, 'A new world situation' (2003)

8.      Globalization and social recomposition, IV: ecological and peasant struggles (Michael)

8.0.  Outline

8.1.  FI 15th World Congress text - Ecology and Socialism

8.2.  Via Campesina, "Biodiversity, biosafety and genetic resources" within the article entitled “On Negotiation Treaty Plant Genetic Resources In Spoleto-Italy

9.      Globalization and political recomposition, II: crisis in the Latin American left (Michael)

9.0.  Outline

9.1.  Claudio Katz: Centre-left, nationalism and socialism

9.2.  Francisco Louça, Daniel Bensaïd and Michael Löwy: "Letter to Democracia Socialista"

9.3.  Excerpts from FI 15th World Congress, 'A new world situation' and FI International Committee, 'Resolution on Venezuela' (2005)

10. Globalization and social recomposition, V: LGBT communities and struggles in the dependent world (Peter)

10.0.                   Outline

10.1.                   Peter Drucker: Introduction: Remapping sexual identities. In: Different Rainbows: Same-Sex Sexualities and Popular Movements in the Third World (2000).

10.2.                      Peter Drucker: Reinventing liberation: Strategic questions for lesbian/gay movements. In: Different Rainbows: Same-Sex Sexualities and Popular Movements in the Third World (2000).

11. Globalization, nation-states, and the challenges of nationalism, communalism and ‘identity politics’ (Peter)

11.0.                      Outline

11.1.                      Excerpt from Marx & Engels (1847) , 'The Manifesto of  the communist party' (Collected Works vol. 6)

11.2.                      Excerpt from V.I. Lenin (1916) , 'The discussion on self-determination  summed up' (Collected Works vol. 22)

11.3.                      Michael Löwy, 'Why nationalism?', from Fatherland or Mother Earth? (IIRE NSR no. 27/28, 1998)

11.4.                      Excerpts from FI 15th World Congress, 'A new world situation' (2003)

11.5.                      Daniel Bensaïd, 'Thesis 4', from 'Theses of resistance' (IVP, 2004)

11.6.                      Peter Drucker, 'Self-organization, self-emancipation and identity' (translated from De Internationale, no. 67, winter 1999)

11.7.                      'Indians unite for autonomy, land and justice' (IVP 263, Feb. 1995)

11.8.                      FI 15th World Congress, 'On lesbian/gay liberation' (2003), points 22-24 and 33 (see reading 10.3)

11.9.                      Michael Löwy, 'Twenty-first century internationalism' from Fatherland or Mother Earth?

12. Globalization and global disorder, I: US empire and resistance (Gilbert)

12.0.                   Outline

12.1.                   The "Seven Theses"

12.2.                   Iraq's Year of Blood

12.3.                   FI IC, "The world imperialist offensive and the occupation of Iraq" (Feb. 2005)

13. Globalization and global disorder, II:  Religion and fundamentalism in politics — the cases of Christianity and Islam (Gilbert)

13.0.                   Outline

13.1.                   Marxists and Religion

14. Globalization and political recomposition, III: European integration and the radical left (Ollivier)

14.0.                      Outline

14.1.                      François Vercammen, 'War drive, America Inc. vs Europe plc' (IVP 349, May 2003)

14.2.                      G. Buster, 'European Union: The Lisbon strategy' (IVP 359, May/June 2004)

14.3.                      François Sabado, 'Confronting the attacks of the bourgeoisie' (IVP 363, January 2005)

14.4.                      Catharine Samary, 'European Union: what kind of new Europe' (IVP 354, November 2003)

14.5.                      G. Buster, 'All except weapons' (IVP 331, May 2001)

14.6.                      François Sabado, 'Building broad anti-capitalist parties - a necessary step' (IVP, December 2004)

14.7.                      Excerpts from FI 15th World Congress, 'A new world situation' and FI 15th World Congress, 'Role and tasks of the Fourth International' (2003)


III. Alternatives: the politics of global justice

15. Alternative policies, I: ‘delinking’ or a different globalization? (Stéphanie)

15.0.                      Outline

15.1.                      Vandana Shiva, 'Deconstructing market access' (, 2 Nov. 2002)

15.2.                      George Monbiot, 'I was wrong about trade' (The Guardian, 2003)

15.3.                      Lee Chang-geun, 'People's responses to the WTO: exclusion or inclusion?' (2000)

15.4.                      Walden Bello, 'The struggle for a deglobalized world' (, 2000)

15.5.                      Patrick Bond, '"Deglobalisation"? Sure, but what's next?' (Green Left Weekly, 26 Feb. 2003)

15.6.                      Sarah Peart, 'What is the global justice movement?' (

16. Alternative policies, II: rethinking trade and finance (Eric)

16.0.                      Outline

16.1.                      Eric Toussaint, 'Ideas for alternatives'

17. Evening Campaigning against structural adjustment and debt (Eric)

18. Globalization and political recomposition, IV: cracks in the Asian models (Pierre)

18.0.                      Outline

18.1.                      Introduction to the document, 'Resistances to capitalist globalization' (written for 15th FI World Congress, International Viewpoint 351/2, summer 2003)

18.2.                      Maxime Durand, 'Asia's four-in-one crisis' (International Viewpoint 298, Mar.1998)

18.3.                      Eric Toussaint and Damien Millet, 'Disaster donations may well end up servicing the Third World debt!' (2005)

18.4.                      Excerpt from FI 15th World Congress, 'A new world situation' (2003)

19.  Globalization and political representation: international institutions, movements, parties and rethinking democracy (Pierre)

19.0.                      Outline

19.1.                      FI 12th World Congress, 'Dictatorship of the proletariat and socialist democracy' (IVP special issue, 1985)

19.2.                      Joåo Machado, 'PT local governments and socialism', from Iain Bruce ed., The Porto Alegre Alternative, Direct Democracy in Action (IIRE NSR no. 35/36, 2003)

19.3.                      Michael Löwy, 'Towards a new International?' (IVP no. 348, March 2003)

20. Confronting neoliberal globalization, the globalization of resistance: the Social Forums (Pierre)

20.1.                      Pierre Rousset, 'The World Social Forum: a new framework for solidarities', in Bandung 2005

21. A new internationalism: subjects, parties and social transformation (Penny)

21.0.                      Outline

21.1.                      Excerpt from FI 12th World Congress, 'Dictatorship of the proletariat and socialist democracy' (from IVP special issue, Resolutions of the Twelfth World Congress of the Fourth International, 1985)

21.2.                      Excerpt from FI 15th World Congress, 'Role and tasks of the Fourth International'

21.3.                      Excerpt from FI 11th World Congress, 'Socialist revolution and the struggle for women's liberation' (from 1979 World Congress of the Fourth International: Major Resolutions and Reports)

21.4.                      Excerpt from Ernest Mandel, The Leninist Theory of Organisation

21.5.                      Excerpt from Jo Freeman, 'Tyranny of structurelessness' (in Ms. Magazine, 1973)

21.6.                      Excerpt from FI 13th World Congress, 'Resolution on positive action'

21.7.                      Excerpt from the Code of Conduct of the ICS (Indian section of the FI)

21.8.                      Tatau Godinho, 'Women in the leadership' (from Teoria e Debate, Apr.-June 1991)

21.9.                      Mexican PRT, 'Sanctions policies in a feminist party' (from Bandera Socialista no. 402, 1989)

21.10.                 Interview with Philippine women, 'Now you can participate as a whole person', International Viewpoint 275 (Mar. 1996)

21.11.                 FI 15th World Congress, 'On lesbian/gay liberation' (2003), point 27 (see reading 10.3)

     Reference texts

21.12.                 FI 14th World Congress, 'Building the International today' (from IVP, spring 1996)

21.13.                 Penny Duggan, The Feminist Challenge to Traditional Political Organizing, IIRE Working Paper no. 33 (Jan. 1997)